Meet Narendra J Goliya, chairman and managing director, Rishabh Instruments, while he goes down memory lane with RichaChakravarty of Electronics Bazaar, reminiscing about his struggles, his survival strategies and eventual victory.
Founder and promoter of Rishabh Instruments Nasik, NarendraGoliya is renowned name across the industries in Nasik. Graduate in Electrical Engineering from IIT Mumbai and Post Graduate in Micro Electronics from the prestigious Stanford University California, he set up RishabhInstrumnets in 1983 at Nasik. He was born in a joint family in 1951, with 18 cousins living under one roof. My family belonged to Bikaner but after Independence, my father, JohrimalGoliya, moved to Mumbai
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Sandip Foundation
Sandip Institute of Technology & Research Centre
Department of Management Studies