Mr. Kishor Nagre Restaurant Nanacha mala which is near to Jadhav sankul, trambak road.which is started by Entrepreneur KishorNagare. The person who’s was pursuing Engineering from Sapkal college of engineering and had vision to become a entrepreneur. So because of his family background is not financially enough to invest the big amount of money in business so the person Mr. Kishor invested the Rs 600000 from Nationalize bank and started his own business as in Restaurant sector, the name of Restaurant is given Nanacha mala.
Mr. Kishor Nagare has completed is school life in Vidyaprabodhini Marathi medium school which is near to college road, Nasik. From the school life itself Mr. Kishor Wanted to start his own business so because of his dream he joined engineering course but some of personal issue he got failed result in engineering third year. So after getting failure in engineering he decided to get involved in the business sector. so he raised Rs 600000 from nationalized bank and started one small Restaurant Nanacha mala near to jadhavsankul.
For More Details:-
Sandip Foundation
Sandip Institute of Technology & Research Centre, Nashik
Department of Management Studies