“Stay afraid, but do it anyway. What’s important is the action. You don’t have to wait to be confident. Just do it, and eventually, the confidence will follow.”
-Carrie Fisher (American actress, writer, and comedienne)
Nasik is a Holy and Pilgrimage place in the State of Maharashtra. A baby boy born in a humble family of a priest who used to conduct rituals for his livelihood. The boy Janardan started growing in holy surroundings of Nasik with lot of dreams in his eyes. He graduated in B.Com and his family insisted him to do a job. But working for others was not his cup of Tea. He started with a small business of wholesale goods in 1981. Gradually he started to increase his business and in this process he struggled a lot and even faced loss in business in early stages. However in pursuit of his dreams he never gave up. He diversified and entered into manufacturing sector with a lot of zeal and
Contact Details
Sandip Foundation
Sandip Institute of Technology & Research Centre
Department of Management Studie