“You never lose in business, either you win or you learn.”
-Melinda Emerson (American small business expert)
A pioneer of restaurant in Nashik.Radha Kisan Chandak basically from Sinner, for business they have to travel from sinner to Nasik daily but in those days no restaurant is available on Nasik sinner road hence they have to told their relatives to prepare food for themselves here exactly they feel the necessity of having restaurant in Nashik & they decided to start a restaurant , his brother Jagdishsheth is also supported his idea to open a restaurant but initially his father is not like their idea but afterward they also supported Mr. Radhakisan, then it was decided to open a restaurant at their own place in Nashik at Vakilwadi. forthat Radhakisan send their younger brother to do..
For More Details:-
Sandip Foundation
Sandip Institute of Technology & Research Centre, Nashik
Department of Management Studies