- Abhishek Takate and Mr. Shubham Kulkarni is CEO & Director of SJE PaniPuri, Nashik.
- Home town- Nashik
- Education – B.E in Mechanical Engineering.
- Started his Start-up in the year 2019 with the name – SJE PaniPuri. His Shop deals mainly in providing multiple types of PaniPuri.
- Today I would like to tell you all the story of Young Dynamic and Talented Entrepreneur Mr Abhishek Takate and Mr. Shubham Kulkarni, Director and SJE PaniPuri, Nashik.
The Childhood :
This is the story of Entrepreneur Mr. Abhishek Takate and Mr. Shubham Kulkarni, Director and SJE Pani Puri, Nashik. This is the success story of a young man who succeeds by learning from a very unfavorable and difficult situation without any educational Heritage.
For More Details:-
Sandip Foundation
Sandip Institute of Technology & Research Centre, Nashik
Department of Management Studies