Hanmantrao Gaikwad was born in small village in Satara district belonging to a middle class family. He was a brilliant student in school & college time. But his life was full of struggle and misery, when Mr Gaikwad was pursuing his graduation his father was suffering with long ailment. Hanmantrao faced financial struggle and it started to get worse; he was unable to afford even the one rupee bus ticket. This made him realize the importance of money and the one who has it. He had been cycling 42kms every day to his college. When he went to second year of diploma he lost his father.
Hanmant after completing his diploma in electronics he further did his B.Tech with accrue difficulty and faced many
Contact Details
Sandip Foundation
Sandip Institute of Technology & Research Centre
Department of Management Studie

“If people are doubting how far you can go, go so far that you can’t hear them anymore.”
– Michelle Ruiz (American Entrepreneur)